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The Bayou Park Ratepayers Association adds value to our neighbourhood by creating amenities and recreation benefits at our private beach property as well as community engagement programs for Bayou Park residents.

Annual Membership

There are three ways to pay your annual membership. Please choose your preferred option below. 

Credit Card

*$35 Annual Membership Fee + $2 Credit/Debit Card Processing Fee

In Person

Drop off a $35 cheque made out to 'Bayou Park Ratepayers Association' to:


BPRA Treasurer Amanda Stewart

3595 Timberline Ave

Severn, ON

L3V 0V8


Email Amanda at to make arrangements.


Send an EMT (e-transfer) for $35 to


NOTE: Please include your name, address, & email in your e-transfer notes field or send a follow-up email with this information. Contact info & addresses are not shared automatically with e-transfers, and we want to attribute the payment to the correct household. 


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