2022/2023 is a special and meaningful year for the Bayou Park Ratepayers Association (BPRA). 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the Bayou Park Ratepayers Association (BPRA), which was incorporated as a non-profit with the government of Ontario in 1973. The deed to the Bayou Road Beach property was transferred to the BPRA in 1974. Hard to believe, we've had our wonderful neighbourhood beach for 50 years. It is certainly something worth celebrating!
This year our community came together around some very well received events including
the Annual Spooky Spectacle Pumpkin Walk,
the second Annual Holiday Craft Market,
the Home for the Holidays: Festive Lights Draw,
the Annual Easter Egg Hunt,
the 50th Anniversary Meet The Neighbours Picnic & Regatta, and now
the AGM and our third annual Outdoor Movie Night!
Our most successful event was once again the August Family Fun Day & BBQ. We had over 150 people attend. The day started with a fantastic all-you-can-eat breakfast and bake sale. In the afternoon, families enjoyed the beach and children had fun in the bouncy castle, while our Horseshoe Tournament participants got competitive and members perused the raffle table, which was packed with prizes. The day was capped off with members and their friends & family enjoying a delicious pig roast BBQ, followed by Past President Lance Brown's classic fireworks show. We raised $4,896 for the BPRA through the proceeds of the day.
A big factor in enabling this fantastic year was the dedication of our Executive Board:
Treasurer Rick Talbot,
Secretary Erica Lomonaco,
Communications Director Amanda Stewart,
Director at Large Bruce Topping (Bruce has now moved on from his role but we sincerely thank him for all of his contributions over the years!),
our Events Committee, Angela Foster and Arlene Picknell.
A sincere thank you to Rick, Erica, Amanda, Bruce, Angela, and Arlene for your commitment to the association over the past year! With the exception of Bruce, everyone is remaining in their roles until summer 2024, at which point the President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Communications Director roles will be up for election. However, we welcome and need members to get involved and volunteer their time with the BPRA Executive Team to keep this great community organization going!

(Claire, Erica, Angela, and Amanda following the 50th Anniversary Meet the Neighbour Picnic & Regatta)
We are very grateful to our members who helped with Fall and Spring clean up at the Beach Park. I’d also like to thank the volunteers who mow and trim the lawn (in particular, Steve Tournay and James Beamish), as well as the members who deliver our printed newsletters. The park and the waterfront is beautiful - and visited more than ever - thanks to our volunteers’ hard work and dedication. Also, a big thank-you goes to those members who supported the BPRA this year with generous donations from their local businesses.
Many long-time and new members have engaged with the BPRA by participating in our events and initiatives and paying their annual membership fee. Membership fees pay for the Bayou Beach Park's maintenance, property tax, and insurance, and ensure the Beach Park property is available to our community for future generations to come.
We had 119 households participate in our Membership Campaign Early Bird Draw, and congratulations to the winners of the $100 Home Hardware Gift Card, Matt & Taylor Smith! Following that, members continued to show their support: we now have 149 member households in good standing out of approximately 228 households in the neighbourhood, or 65%. We encourage the remaining residents to become members or renew their membership. To mark the occasion of the BPRA's 50th Anniversary, the first 200 households to pay their 2023 Membership Fee will receive a durable and commemorative Bayou Park 2023 Membership Badge, which they can display on their mailbox post to show their neighbourhood pride!
Finally, mark your calendars - the Family Fun Day & BBQ is being held on Saturday, August 26th. This is an annual tradition loved by many in the neighbourhood and our major fundraiser. Please join us on that day for Brunch and the BBQ! Ticket sales will open soon!
Thank you,
Claire Lysnes,
Bayou Park Ratepayers Association President