**Date:** June 7th, 2024
**Location:** BPRA Property - 3851 Bayou Rd, Severn
Karen & Ron Stevens Family
Bernie and Keith
Hilary Kimsal
Claire Lysnes
Monty Kinnear
Andrew Kinnear
Amanda Stewart
Rick Talbot
Erica & Jamie Lomonaco
- 14 households provided proxies.
**Call to Order:**
- Claire called the AGM to order.
**Approval of Agenda:**
- Andrew motioned to approve the agenda.
- Karen seconded the motion.
- The agenda was approved unanimously.
**Approval of 2023 Meeting Minutes:**
- Monty motioned to approve the 2023 meeting minutes.
- Dorothy seconded the motion.
- The 2023 meeting minutes were approved unanimously.
**President's Report:**
- Claire delivered the President's report.
- Karen was recognized for early board work.
**Treasurer's Report:**
- Rick presented the Treasurer's report, focusing on the allocation of funds for treating infected trees.
- Dorothy motioned to approve the Treasurer's report.
- Bernie seconded the motion.
- The Treasurer's report was approved unanimously.
- Discussion on cash flow noted the unique expenses related to the 50th anniversary celebration last year and proposed the purchase of a speaker system.
- Erica motioned to approve the cash flow report.
- Karen seconded the motion.
- The cash flow report was approved unanimously.
**Extraordinary Items:**
- Andrew motioned to approve the Extraordinary Resolution.
- Keith seconded the motion.
- The motion was approved unanimously.
- A call for volunteers was made.
**Election of Officers:**
- Andrew was unanimously approved for the role of President.
- Amanda was unanimously approved for the role of Treasurer.
- Erica was unanimously approved for the role of Communications Director.
- The role of Secretary remains vacant.
**New Business:**
- Kerri Fogarty was announced as winning the early bird draw. Her prize has subsequently been delivered.
- The meeting was adjourned.
For more information about the official business of the Bayou Park Ratepayers Association, please reach out to president@bayoupark.org with your question.