Bayou Park Ratepayers Association
Annual General Meeting
DATE: July 21st, 2023
TIME: 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Bayou Road Beach Park
Attendees (or sent proxy):
BPRA Executive Members - Claire Lysnes, President; Rick Talbot, Treasurer; & Erica Lomonaco, Secretary
Rick Pye
Tom and Catharine Losier
Arlene and Paul Picknell
Lucille Moore
Jamie Colledan
Andrew Kinnear
Judith Beamish
Hilary Kimsal (proxy)
Natasha Ilic (proxy)
Jamie Brain (proxy)
Amanda Stewart
Danielle and Louis McIntyre (proxy)
Les Courts (proxy)
Danielle Vosnakis (proxy)
Rick King
Dorothy Pilger and Jim Cootes
Meeting called to order and welcome & introductions by President Claire Lysnes.
Approval of Agenda: Tom Losier motioned to approve the AGM agenda, Rick Pie seconded. All in favour.
Approval of 2022 AGM Minutes: Catharine Losier motioned to approve the 2022 BRPA AGM minutes. Paul Picknell seconded. All in favour.
Claire Lysnes, President, spoke to the 2023 Presidents Report.
Rick Talbot, Teasurer, presented the Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Financial Report and Extraordinary Resolution. Claire & Rick spoke about how the BPRA handles expense reimbursements. Andrew Kinnear motioned to approve the FY 2022/2023 Financial Report. Tom Losier seconded. All in favour. Catharine Losier motioned to approve the Extraordinary Resolution. Andrew Kinnear seconded. All in favour.
Call out for new Events Committee volunteers.
Call for new business from the membership. No new business raised.
Meeting adjourned.
Congratulations to Tom Losier who was the winner of the $10 Tim Hortons gift card!