The BPRA is a 100% volunteer-run non-profit, and relies upon the participation and contributions of our members. As such, we are looking for some members to join our Executive Board and Events Committee!
The roles of President, Treasurer, and Secretary are all up for re-election this year. Claire Lysnes and Rick Talbot's two year terms as President and Treasurer, respectively, finish this summer. Secretary Natasha Ilic is on maternity break. Congrats to her and her partner Adam on the arrival of their new baby girl Bryce! Please consider nominating yourself or a neighbour to take on one of these roles and help guide the future of our Association. The Executive Board meets monthly (via google meet), and attends & volunteers at BPRA events as necessary.
The term for each of these positions is two years, starting as of our upcoming Annual General Meeting on Saturday, July 16th 7:30PM where elections/appointments will be held.
In addition, we would like to increase representation from the neighbourhood on the BPRA. As such, we are looking for one or more homeowners to represent the blocks below as Directors at Large. You would be invited to our monthly Executive Board meetings (primarily held via google meet) to offer your input on BPRA events & initiatives! Attendance at every meeting is not required.
Grand Tamarack Cres,
Bayou Road (from the stop sign to the Shadow Creek bridge), or
Timberline Ave (from Shadow Creek Rd to Grand Tamarack Cres)
Finally, we could always use more people to help us plan and run events. If interested, please come to the AGM and sign up for the Events Committee! the Committee will plan and run our events over the remainder of the year and into 2023. If you like party planning and socializing with neighbours, this is the perfect role for you!
If interested in any of the positions or committees, please email for more information, and plan to attend the AGM & Movie Night on Saturday, July 16th!