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November 2020 Meeting - Minutes

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Bayou Park Ratepayers Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

DATE: Thursday, November 19 , 2020

TIME: 8:00 -9:30PM

LOCATION: Google video call from 3686 Shadow Creek Road

ATTENDEES: Claire Lysnes, President | Neil Fenton, VP | Rick Talbot, Treasurer (joined late) | Kait Hunter, Secretary (joined late) | Natasha Borutski, Director at Large| Bruce Topping, Director at Large | Lance Brown, Past President

REGRETS: Hillary Kimsal, Communications

GUESTS: Joel Giles


1. Meeting called to order by Claire Lysnes

2. Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve: Claire Lysnes 2nd: Neil Fenton

VOTE: All in Favour

3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

Motion to Approve: Claire Lysnes 2nd: Natasha Borutski

VOTE: All in Favour

4. Open Issues

a) Sign Refresh Next Steps - deferred to the next meeting due to Hillary’s absence and Kait joining the call late.

b) Lawn Mower key - original key still missing; however, they are standard issue so Neil has obtained a new one. As such this issue is resolved. Lawn Mower will remain in the shed for the winter and assessed for repairs in the Spring by Neil

c) Halloween Pumpkin Parade wrap up: Number of pumpkins given out was 20. Cost of pumpkins was $75 and we obtained them from a local farm on Old Barrie Rd. Lots of neighbourhood interest and enthusiasm. Parade cancelled due to inclement weather. 50 treat bags assembled, given out by Hillary to interested families by request after the event was cancelled. Donations received from: Lakeside Elegance, KRS Crane Rentals, Earth Electric, KDC Kustom Contracting, Yorke Motivational Consulting, Lake Country Office Solutions, Yellofruit, and The Candy Shoppe. We invited people to submit their pumpkin photos. The winner of the best Jack O’Lantern was the Coburn Family of Shadow Creek, who won the candy basket donated by the Candy Shoppe. We will look to do this event again next year to the positive reception it received prior to having to cancel due to weather.

d) Community Survey Results- Claire shared a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the results of the Sept 2020 Community Survey. 23 submissions. Results have shown residents' interests in events, especially popular was an Outdoor Movie Night event option. Kait and Neil both have a projector we could use and Neil has a screen. Neil could borrow a quiet generator for our use. We would need to obtain loudspeakers (hopefully borrow from a community member). Discussed doing a community ice rink at the beach this winter. Will add to the agenda of our Dec meeting. Claire will prepare the presentation for sharing with members.

Lance mentioned that they had considered moving the logs in the past but did not due to sand erosion. Discussed allowing boat(s) to moor at the beach but would need to sort out the logistics - deferred to a Exec meeting in the new year. Discussed the popular event option of a winter carnival, how we could plan it socially distanced. Will be adding to the agenda of our December meeting. Also discussed doing an Ice Fishing tournament, with 50/50 pot to raise funds for the BPRA. Neil to create a proposal to be discussed at the December meeting. Discussion of comment on survey about canal water quality, Bruce wondered if the canal needed to be re-dredged. Discussion that determining and organizing this would be the responsibility of the homeowners on the canal.

5. Executive Report

a) Created the summary of the membership survey results. Created 2020 volunteer spreadsheet to track those interested in volunteering and those who have. Natasha and Claire will be working on building the Neighbourhood Small Business Owners section of the website over the coming weeks. Claire was able to scan an additional aerial photograph of the neighbourhood, owned by Pat Stead, before Pat moved out of the neighborhood. Need to get all the aerial photographs up on the website. Neil has nothing to report at this time.

6. Financial Report - Rick Talbot

a) Our updated balance sheet shows a true balance of $4658.84 after taking into account that we've now verified the 2019 weed spray contractor invoice still needs to be paid, and the $1012.86 that needs to be paid to the people organizing the weed spray that was historical excess money collected for weed spray. This gives us currently a 1 year reserve to meet our minimum expenses. The balance sheet also shows all costs reimbursed so far this year, and is already reflected in the bank balance.

b) Rick brought forward a Motion to write a cheque for the unpaid 2019 weed spray contractor invoice, as well as a cheque for the $1012.86 in excess money collected, to Linda Thompson as she organizes the weed spray. 2nd: Claire. VOTE: All in Favour. Aiming to have it done this week.

c) We have a quote (valid until Dec 5th) for property and directors insurance from Cooperators Group, Rick is setting up a separate call with Claire to review the documents before the executive votes on whether to sign. The amount of the insurance is already allocated in our minimum annual costs estimate. Aiming to have the quote reviewed, voted upon by the executive over email, and signed before the next monthly meeting.

d) Will set up a separate meeting to do financial planning for things like ice fishing.

7. Communications Report - Hillary Kimsal

a) (Hillary absent so Claire covered her points) Discussed Halloween Parade above. Briefed Exec on neighbourhood holiday lights contest. Contest for best exterior festive lights. 1st prize, runner-up, and 3 participation prizes will be given out. Mentioned we will be looking for donations to give as prizes but will need assistance soliciting donations. Lance made the suggestion that we put Christmas cards signed by the BPRA in any mailbox of households participating in the Holiday lights initiative, thanking them for contributing to the holiday spirit in the neighbourhood. Claire thought that was a good idea. Consider extending this to all households in the neighbourhood with a special note for those who participate in the holiday lights initiative. Claire to price cards. Nov newsletter went out this week. Still need to do Nov maildrop.

8. New Business

a) Christmas lights initiative - discussed above

b) Shed key - key still missing, none of the exec including Lance know where it is. Claire and her husband replaced the hasp and lock today with a new hasp and a padlock. Claire will provide the exec with the code to the padlock separately. Cost for hasp and padlock was $19.13. Claire will submit an expense reimbursement form to Rick.

c) Lance asked to add Timberline Park Holiday Lights Show to the agenda:

  1. Start Dec 12, will run for two weeks. Lance suggested Hillary contact local news.

  2. 8000 lights; will use the pavilion’s electricity with the permission of Pat Hardwood from Severn Township. No cost to the BPRA.

  3. Last day putting the lights up is Dec 6th 1pm. Lance requests volunteers to help.

  4. Lance made some repairs to the bridge to Timberline park

  5. Lance would like us to do a kids scavenger/discovery hunt

  6. Donations to the BPRA will be welcomed

  7. Lance estimates the costs associated with the event will be approximately $135, including hot chocolate and cookies (need to check Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit covid guidelines), 3 packs of wear ties, signage (3 no snowmobile signs), 4 GFI receptacles for Lance’s house.

  8. Discussion by the executive committee that we would not be paying to replace the GFI receptacles on Lance’s house; Neil would go by and help Lance test that they could take whatever electrical load Lance plans to connect them to. Agreed the replacement of the GFI receptacles, if necessary, would be a personal cost incurred by Lance. All expenses would need to be submitted by Lance via the expense reimbursement form with accompanying receipts.

9. Member Inquiries

a) Threat of Emerald Ash Borer on beach park trees

Member Joel Giles joined the meeting to talk about the threat the Emerald Ash Borer poses to the trees in the beach park. Joel said evidence of the borer would be seen in the spring time on the trees; it causes the bark to peel off. Once the Emerald Ash Borer invades a tree, it will cause it to die within 2-3 years and spread to adjacent ash trees. Neil’s brother in law is an arborist with the city of Burlington specializing in that city’s response to the Emerald Ash Borer. Neil will have him assess the trees at the beach this spring. Discussion of the cost associated with tree removal/replacement. A fundraising endeavor would be required as we do not have sufficient reserve to pay for mature trees to be planted to replace the existing ash trees. Could start to plant less mature trees now. Rick knows a tree farmer - will get some ballpark tree prices so we can budget for this if necessary. Discussion around if a tree did need to be removed because of the Emerald Ash Borer, how we would get it done, volunteers, professional service, etc. Question of insurance liability and safety around removal of trees.

10. Next meeting: Thursday December 17, 2020 via Google Meeting

11. Adjournment @ 21:30

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